市场营销 & 通信
The 通信 & 市场营销 team is your source for getting the word out about 十大彩票平台’s many successes. We’re responsible for 新闻报道, the 十大彩票平台 web site, marketing programs, printed material, brand guidelines, more!
We produce the annual President’s Report, a variety of Admissions publications, more. 请浏览 出版物页面 访问.
We also oversee 十大彩票平台 social media on 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn as well as the 十大彩票平台 blog 十大彩票平台y笔记.
Whether you have a story to get into the paper, or need a brochure for a new program, please let us know at least 6 weeks in advance so we can adequately staff for your needs.
Please note that some requests may require funding.
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